Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Getting back to training...

Hey im trying me Vlogging thing. please bare with me as i work out the bugs on this audio and lighting and stuff.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


OYE!!! Boy are my legs a bit sore!!!  Even though I did 20 minutes of stretching after my run, my legs were still killin this morning. So, after fully waking up I took some time and did some stretching. with my stretching I worked in some great yoga positions....I cant remember all the names but I think its down dog and yeah that's the only one I can! Ok, not much going on today, supposed to be doing some walking at the street fair in Chico tonight. it should be fun watchin a lot of wanna be hippies peddle their stuff.
Since I really didnt have a lot written on day 134's topic stretching, I'm going to talk more about it in a later blog. Im reading up on whats good what isn' I can have something that's helpful to us all. For now that is all, as always constructive feedback is always welcome, thanks for reading and remember Keep Moving Forward!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today's blog will probably be a lil short, I'm having to do this from my iPhone. Since I forgot to do this at my ma's place and that's the only place that has Internet up here and I didn't bring my lappie to take to a coffe shop. Any's run was so nice! I got to run through lower Bidwell park. I forgot how beautiful that place is. Yeah the pollen was out of control but hey I got my run in for the day. The run today was only supposed to be three miles...well I got caught up in running through the park that it turns out that I did 4.2 miles. Yeah!!! Just a lil insane...but it went so smoothly and without struggle. My pace was quite slower 15 minute mile...sad. I'm not going to analyze why, I'm just going to enjoy the fact that I did 4.2 miles. So yeah, it was a great run and great day!
Tip for the day...don't forget to stretch both before and after your workout.

I might add more later from a computer, but that is all for today. Started talking about doing the Tinkerbell half marathon in January 2012. We shall see. Any who, as always constructive feedback is always nice to read, thanks for reading and Keep On Moving Forward!

As promised!!! I was able to get the mapping of day 134's run, so here it is.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

137 136 135....

OK, so I'm a lil bit behind on this....Day 137 was Sunday and I'm not the biggest fan of running on a Sunday. To many Sunday drivers nuff said on So Sunday was my full day off.
Day 136...OH MY LANTA!!! I did 4.08 miles in 57 minutes...I had half  an apple with peanut butter before going. i think that really helped out. The only time that I had to stop was when waiting for a stop light. it felt GREAT!!! I did have a few awesome songs that helped me through my route. Lets see there was Pinks "Raise Your Glass," Glee's "Loser Like Me," Katy Perry's "Firework" those are the tracks that mostly stuck in my head and made me feel good about what I'm doing about myself. One of the things that I didn't do was use the Couch to 5K app. I think that was giving me the excuse to walk when the prompt told me to.
So yesterdays run was a good one, my breathing was good, i wasn't wheezing a lot (yeah I have activity induced asthma, fun times. but no fear I have an inhaler with me.)
Day 135...I had the intention of running this morning, but I ended up getting to bed at 330 am. I just couldn't stop thinking of the half marathon weekend in September. I know its 5 months away still but its such a great event and my ma, sister and some friends of the family will be down here for the event. Plus, Matt and I will be able to walk them around and he can give them the nickle tour, which is what they love that trivia stuff. Plus, I have been watching clips on YouTube that peeps have posted from years past DHM (Disneyland Half Marathon.) So, if anyone that's reading this that has participated in either DHM or even Princess Half Marathon over at Walt Disney World post your link, I would love to see your vids. Back to why I didn't get a run in today. So getting to sleep late made me wake up late and so I didn't have time since I'm going to heading up to Chico this afternoon. Even though Ill be up in Chico for the week, I will still be posting and there should be a few days to get in a run or two. Weather Channel says its supposed to rain grrrr. So, stay tuned for more posting.
My tip for the day....Remember to drink lots of water! Hydration is a huge for everyone. Why? because it lefts to keep those joints my and lubricated, helps your blood flow and of course keeps your body cool. That's just everyday usage. Now that your training and exercising its even more important, since you are now sweating out your fluids they need to be replaced and replaced frequently. Now the actual amount that one person needs varies from person to person but here's what they use to say in the Marines when doing our hikes or runs. You should never feel thirsty and that your pee should be a light yellow. If you start getting into the darker spectrum closer to brown ya got a problem. Staying hydrated will also prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke, cramping, dizziness and fatigue. I personally drink at least 64 oz of water a day i keep a 32oz canteen with me all day. I have one at my bed side, I have one for the office (when i used to work) and one for when I used to go the the gym, but now use for when I'm out and about Disneyland and the beach and such. There is a great app (that i thought was silly at first but now cant stop using it,) from the iPhone, iPad, Itouch that will keep track of the water that you have drank through out the day. Plus it will remind you at the end of the day to report what you drank for the day. So there are things out there to help you drink more water if you aren't a water drinker. Water is all i pretty much drink. It makes me feel good when I drink some nice chilled water.
Well that is it for now my friends...thanks for reading and of course constructive feedback is always welcome. Thanks for read and Keep Moving Forward!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

138 days

I want to give you a brief run down on how my training week works. Now this will training will be changing as we get closer and closer to the event. Right now this is to get into running longer distances and stronger. my week s looks a little something like this, run- 3.5 miles (which I just started this last week, woo hoo,) rest day, run 3 miles, rest day, run 1.5-2 miles.
So today is a rest day. What does a rest day mean? It means lay around and don't do a THING!!! Well that is what I have been doing. BAD MARC!!! BAD MARC!!! no treats for you!!! Yeah, I know I shouldn't be laying around and do nothing. So, to fix that what I will start doing is doing some core workouts. What does core training or strengthen do you might be asking? and for those who know, if you have more to add please feel free to do so. Core training is "Improving core strength will let you to run for longer without suffering from fatigue and will also decrease your risk of suffering an injury. Improving the strength of your core muscles will involve some time and effort, but fortunately it does not require any heavy weight work. " This is how it was defined by I had to use their wording cause I had a working idea of what it does but not the actual wording until now.  So this is what I will be working once I get a few items, like my medicine ball and fitness ball pump, which I should have in the next few weeks.
Some of the core training that I will be working on will be lower back (cause I have had issues with my lower back from an injury from 6 years ago moving a washing machine.) and of course abs and whatever ends up getting worked out during these sessions. Ill keep ya posted as to what areas For the  core training I just Googled what was out there and found that the link, had the best at home routines for me.I'm using an at home workout since I don't have a gym membership and I have a great back yard to do this outside. The folks that did website did a great job showing what can be used at home with not a lot of money. That's what is great about running and core training, you really don't need a lot of workout equipment or spend a lot of money.
That is what I will be doing for a "rest day". Now as you noticed that I only ran for three days and will be doing core training on the rest days which are two days. Well i do think that your body does need an entire day of not working out, which takes you to six days, as for that seventh day, I would suggest going for a walk. need it be walking around the block, to the store, or for those of us that are lucky walk around Disneyland for the entire day. That in itself is some
OK, so I think I covered everything about core training for now. I cant wait to start doing workouts now. Especially with the weather in Southern California getting nicer and nicer. Hell, I'm sitting outside on the patio that my wonder partner has been working on, while I write this. Well until next time all...have yourselves a great week and all constructive feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading and keep moving forward.

Friday, April 15, 2011

139 days

So today's run I went around 1130 am, it was rather warm today. I took my normal 15 minutes to stretch out, quads, hamstrings, lower back to get out all the aches and While stretching I had a apple with peanut butter to help with energy. But that didn't go as well as i thought. Some of the other runners blogs say they have a banana. So, ill see it that works best next time. OK, about the was pretty good. I made it up all the way to the top of the bridge on Ball Rd. The bridge is about the 4 mile mark on the half marathon, so I got to make sure that I have that incline beat when the day comes. The last mile and a half was a little rough, my mouth was dry and I was feeling a bit worked, but I pressed on and made it back home.
One of the great things about living so close to the park is that I do get to run parts of the course for my training. This will go to my favor the day of the event.

139 days

So today is 139 days till the Disneyland Half Marathon weekend. Let me start off by telling you a little bit more about me and my background. Im 37 years old 300 lbs and live in Anaheim, Ca, just blocks away from Disneyland Resort. Its pretty awesome where I live, I get to hear the Mark Twain steamboat and see the fireworks every day and night. I started walking back in October/November, cause I got tired of not being able to sleep and feeling lethargic because of having no activity in my life.

Now I have always been an overweight adult, my weight ranging from 200-300 lbs over the last 13 years. Yeah that's a lot when when you look at it like that. Most of the weight gain happened after I got out of the Marines. That put on at least 50 pounds over a the years. Then working in an office environment, where I was leashed to a desk taking phone calls. The next 50 creeped right on in. Of course I had the gym memberships and all that and worked out occasionally but no real routine. Yes, I am truly at fault for my weight and know it. Everyone asked well change workout more and lose weight. Sure I would love to do that and as anyone who has tried to lose weight or has made their life style change its hard. Then you have someone like me who LOVES good food!!! So it makes it a little bit harder to lose the weight.
OK, so with that said what I going to try to accomplish here is show that with a little Marine Corps spirit and hard work and with the help from some of my friends in the fitness field, I will have a very successful 13.1 mile run in 139 days.